Your Child’s Developing Vision

Without good vision, a child’s ability to learn about the world becomes more difficult. Vision problems affect one in 20 preschoolers and one in four school-age children. Since many vision problems begin at an early age, it is very important that children receive proper eye care. Untreated eye problems can worsen and lead to other serious problems as well as affect learning ability, personality and adjustment in school.

These developmental stages are all important for your child’s sight.


The acuity (sharpness of vision) of newborns is less than fully developed. They usually prefer looking at close objects, and are especially attracted to faces and by objects that are brightly colored or of high contrast and moving.

3 Months

By this age, most babies can smoothly follow a moving object and can hold their eyes on it even when the object stops. The colors, details and moving parts of mobiles in cribs fascinate infants and help stimulate their visual development.

3 to 6 Months

By now, the retina of the eye is quite well developed, and the baby’s visual acuity is good enough to permit small details to be seen. The infant is able to look from near to far and back to near again. Judgment of distances (depth perception) is also developing.

6 Months

At 6 months of age, the eye has reached about two thirds of its adult size. Usually by this stage, the two eyes are fully working together, resulting in good binocular vision. Distance vision and depth perception are still improving.

1 Year Old

By the age of one, a child’s vision is well on its way toward full development. Coordination of the eyes with the hands and body are naturally practiced by children and can be enhanced by games involving pointing, grasping, tossing, placing and catching.

Print and Share our Free Newborn, Infant, and Toddler Vision Guide

This brochure gives you information about how your baby’s vision will develop. It also helps you understand when there might be a problem with your child’s vision that you should discuss with your baby’s health care provider.

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or email or call us at 1-800-331-2020 to request a printed copy.

2 to 5 Years Old

The preschooler is typically eager to draw and look at pictures. Stories connected to pictures, drawings and symbols often captivate the child and help to coordinate hearing and vision.